Testamentary of Abraham Peter Casie Chitty

Source: Ceylon Government Gazette

Archive: National Digitial Library of Sri Lanka

Year: 1953

Petitioner: Mary Clara Casie Chitty (and others)

Petitioner relationship to deceased: Unclear




In the Matter of the Last Will and Testament of the late Abraham Peter Casie Chitty of Margate, Sea Avenue, Colpetty in Colombo, deceased

(1) Emmanuel Joseph Gasper Casie Chitty of 82, Clifford Road Bambalapitiya,
(2) Anthony Mervyn Remington Casie Chitty of Sagara Road, Bambalapitiya
(3) Bede Leonard Anandappa,
(4) Antheny Xavier Benedict Anandappa, and
(5) Mary Clara Casie Chitty, all of Sea Avenue, Colpetty in Colombo

(1) Beda Lourdes Therese Marcelline Caste Chitty of Pickerings Kotahena in Colombo,
(2) Queenie Bertha Immaculate Anandappa nee Casie Chitty of Sea Avenue, Colpetty,
(3) Anabella Nathaha Rasappopathy Anandappa nee Casie Chitty, and
(4) Marie Hyacinth Genevieve Antoinette Casie Chitty

THIS matter coming for disposal before G. M. de Silva, Esq., Additional District Judge of Colombo, on May 16, 1958, in the presence of S. A. Villavarayen, Proctor on the part of the petitioner, and the affidavit of the petitioners dated May 16, 1958, and the affidavit of the notary and one of the subscribing witnesses dated May 16, 1953, having been read:

It is ordered that the Last Will and Testament No. 913 made by the deceased above-named and attested by Mr. S. A. Villavarayen, Notary Public, on May 10, 1952, the original of which has been produced and now deposited in this court, be and the same is hereby declared proved and that the petitioners above-named are the executors named therein and they are hereby declared entitled to have probate thereof issued to them accordingly, unless the respondents above-named or any other person or persons interested shall, on or before June 4, 1958, show sufficient cause to the satisfaction of this court to the contrary.

G. M. de Silva May 19, 1958 Additional District Judge


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