Family Trees

Discover family trees of various Colombo Chetty families below!

While the website is designed to be veiwed on any device, we recommend a laptop/tablet for the best viewing experience due to the large amount of information. We hope you enjoy exploring!


Check out the new Dynamic Descendant View for a more interactive experience - clicking a name refocuses the tree rather than viewing a profile.

Guide: Viewing trees

Here is a quick guide to the tree visualizations with an example gif:


  • đź’Ť represents a marriage
  • Each graph is a descendant tree. In this example, we have Anthony Anandappa who married Anthonia Wijeratnam and everyone in this tree is descended from this couple.
  • The names underneath are their children, and we can see who each child married. For example, we see that one child of Anthony was Anthony Xavier Anandappa and he married Anna Pieris Tavarayan (who is the daughter of Saviel Pieris Tavarayan and Cecilia Rodrigo).
  • As you scroll down, a color-coded guide will show up to remind you which generation each color represents
  • Button functionalities
    • +: Click the + sign next to each name to see their children. For example, if we click the + button next to Anthony Xavier Anandappa, we will see all of his children. This can be repeated for any names with a + sign
    • -: To hide children after clicking the + sign, click the -.
    • Expand/Collapse All: button will allow you to view all descendants. Clicking it again will hide all descendants

Guide: Search all people

You can search a person’s name here which will show some bio information along with trees they are included in. If you would like to add stories or photos for individuals, please contact

Adaman Families

Alles Families

Anandappa Families

Babapulle Families

Caderamanpulle Families

Candappa Families

Canjemanaden Families

Casie Chetty Families

Fernandopulle Families

Laity Ramenaden Families

Massillamany Families

Muttupulle Families

Muniarem Families

Mutukisna Families

Perumal Families

Rodrigo Families

Sathianathan Families

Tavarayan Families

Wijeratnam Families

Would you like to contribute?

If you have family tree information you would like to share with the community, please email