Testamentary of Anthony Silva Candappa

Source: Ceylon Government Gazette

Archive: National Digitial Library of Sri Lanka

Year: 1906

Petitioner: Lucy Mary Casie Chetty

Petitioner relationship to deceased: Daughter



In the District Court of Colombo.

In the Matter of the Estate of the late Anthony Silva Candappa, deceased, of No. 50, New Chetty street in Colombo

This matter came up for disposal before Felix Reginald Dias, Esq., Additional District Judge of Colombo, on the 15th day of November, 1906, in the presence of Messrs. Julius & Creasy, Proctors, representing the petitioner, Lucy Mary Casie Chetty, wife of Francis Xavier Casie Chetty, of New Chetty street in Colombo. The affidavit of the petitioner, dated the 26th day of October, 1906, was read. It was ordered that the petitioner be declared entitled to have letters of administration to the estate of her late father, Anthony Silva Candappa, unless any person interested showed sufficient cause to the contrary before the 29th day of November, 1906. F. R. Dias, Additional District Judge. The 15th day of November, 1906.


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