Testamentary of Emmanuel Anandappa

Source: Ceylon Government Gazette

Archive: National Digitial Library of Sri Lanka

Year: 1915

Petitioner: Maria Nathalia Anandappa

Petitioner relationship to deceased: Wife



In the District Court of Colombo, Letters of Administration

In the Matter of the Intestate Estate of the deceased Emmanuel Anandappa of College street, Kotahena, in Colombo.

Petitioner: Maria Nathalia Anandappa of New Chetty street, Colombo

(1) Mary Clara Anandappa,
(2) Christopher Lazarus Anandappa,
(3) Rose Angela Anandappa,
(4) Enid Augusta Anandappa,
(5) Julia Antonia Anandappa,
(6) Joseph Nicholas Anthony Emmanuel Anandappa;
(7) Lawrence Benedict Roque Anandappa, minors, and
(8) Dominic Maria Anandappa, all of New Chetty street, Colombo,

This matter came on for disposal before Lewis Matthew Maartense, Esq., Additional District Judge of Colombo, on September 3, 1916, in the presence of Mr. Paul Perera, Proctor, on the part of the petitioner above named; and the affidavit of the said petitioner dated September 1, 1915, having been read:

It is ordered that the petitioner be and she is hereby declared entitled, as the widow of the above-named deceased, to have letters of administration to his estate issued to her, unless the respondents above-named or any other person or persons interested shall, on or before September 30, 1915, show sufficient cause to the satisfaction of this court to the contrary.

L. M. Maartense, September 8, 1915, Additional District Judge.

Time for showing cause to this Order Nisi is extended for October 14, 1915.

L. M. Maartense, Additional District Judge.


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