Testamentary of Joseph Jerome Theodore Anandappa

Source: Ceylon Government Gazette

Archive: National Digitial Library of Sri Lanka

Year: 1935

Petitioner: Mary Magdeline Anandappa

Petitioner relationship to deceased: Unclear



In the District Court of Colombo.

In the Matter of the Intestate Estate of Joseph Jerome Theodore Anandappa of 89, 2nd Marshall street, Mutwal, in Colombo.

Petitioner: Mary Magdeline Anandappa of 145, Jampettah street in Colombo.

(1) Emmanuel Theodore Peter Anandappa,
(2) Anthony Clarence Anandappa, and
(3) Mary Josephine Anandappa, all of 145, Jampettah street in Colombo,
(4) John Anthony Anandappa of St. Lucia’s street, Kotahena, in Colombo.


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