Testamentary of Peter Wilmot de Rosairo

Source: Ceylon Government Gazette

Archive: National Digitial Library of Sri Lanka

Year: 1919

Petitioner: Teresa Mary de Rosairo

Petitioner relationship to deceased: Wife



In the District Court of Puttalam.

In the Matter of the Interstate Estate of Peter Wilmot de Rosairo, late of Puttlam, deceased

Peititoner: Teresa Mary de Rosairo of Puttlam, widow of the deceased above named

(1) Mary Mount Carmel de Rosairo
(2) Anthony Albert de Rosairo alias Sivejothi, both of Puttalam.
(3) Isidore Austin de Rosairo, Proctor, also of Puttlam, presently of Jaffna
(4) Vitralia Grace de Costa of Puttalam.
(5) Sophia Saverimuttu of Kollupitiya, Colombo, widow of the late James Saverimuttu.
(6) Clara Anandappa of Galle, wife of Patrick Anandappa
(7) Jane Casie Chetty of Kotahena, Colombo, wife of Gedwin Casie Chetty.
(8) Joseph Sandrasegara of Puttalam.

THIS matter coming on for disposal before W. A. Weerasekera, Esq., Additional District Judge of Puttalam, on May 8, 1919, in the presence of Mr. Wilfred A. Muttukumaru, Proctor, on the part of the petitioner above named; and the affidavit of the petitioner dated May 7, 1919, and petition filed May 8, 1919, having been duly read:

It is ordered that Joseph Sandrasegara, the 8th respondent above named, be and is hereby appointed guardian ad litem of the minor respondent


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