Colombo Chetty Genealogy: One Year Anniversary

Happy one year anniversary of Colombo Chetty Genealogy’s website launch! 🎉 Excited to celebrate this day by sharing a few more wedding photos with the community:

Together, these are the weddings of almost all of Anthony Xavier Anandappa and Anna Pieris Tavarayan’s children: Josephine, Aloysius, Bonnie, Joe, and Rose. The only sibling missing is Mary Louise whose wedding in 1917 unforunately has no known photos; however, you can check out her family photo.

I’m also excited to share the marriage records of their grandparents:


Anthony Xavier’s parents - Anthony Anandappa and Anna Wijeratnam - married on September 22, 1870.


Anna Pieris Tavarayan’s parents - Saviel Pieris Tavarayan and Cecilia Rodrigo - married on October 2, 1878.

You might also want to check out Anthony Xavier’s profile on the home page which shows Mary Louise, Rose and Josephine as children.

I also wanted to mention why June 16 was selected for the website launch. It coincides with the birthdays of my grandfather, Benson Anandappa, and his brothers Tony and Regis, who were born on the same day but in different years! 🎂

Thank you everyone for your patronage over the last year! If you have more memories to share, know someone who might, or have any photos / articles, I’d love for you to reach out to me at or comment below.
